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Monday, March 5

360flex - Yahoo! AS3 and Flex 2 Libraries - Part

presented by the Yahoo! Flash platform team

A bit of background about the Flash platform team. They are the "evangelists" for projects that should be coded on the Flash platform. They develop corporate implementation, code, library, and component standards. Some of the projects with API's available include: Weather, Answers, and Search. (Other API's will be covered tomorrow!)

Yahoo! Weather is a coordinated effort with the Weather Channel to supply detailed meteorological data, forecasts, and other info. Data is updated hourly. This library is the simplest.

Yahoo! Answers is a community driven resource, and is the largest Q&A site on the web. It was launched in Dec 2005 and already has >90% of the market share. This library is a bit more complicated, but still is pretty elegant.

Important: You will need to register for a free API key in order to access these services. I noticed that they don't have a listing for a Coldfusion developer center... but there is a sample app for the Search API that was written in Coldfusion so hopefully that is coming soon. ;)

The team demo'd some cool applications built using Flex: an Answers GUI, a Weather GUI with Answers "hints" based on current conditions. All of the apps were built in under a day, using the API's. Pretty neat stuff!

Yahoo! Search can find images, video, audio, song downloads, album info... tons of other stuff! This is the simplest API of all... just bind the data provider for your control to the results of the service! A simple example was demo'd where the user can enter a search string and present the results in a SWF. They added a couple of different states for different search types (i.e. display image thumbnails in an image search).

Tomorrow... more AS3 libraries,, maps & pipes!

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