Just like
many other bloggers in Bend, we have a lot of snow in our neighborhood. By the end of the day yesterday (Tuesday) there was about six inches. That's apparently a LOT for the East side of town. So we made the most of it and enjoyed it!

Divot loves the snow. The highlight of our trip to Eugene last month for her was stopping at the top of the pass so that she could run and roll around on it. She loves it when anyone throws snowballs at her. Her favorite thing to do is try to catch them in her mouth and then quickly crunch them into little pieces. She would chase snowballs, big and small, for hours. What a weird dog! Scott started making huge snowballs, and lobbing them high in the air for Divot to catch. Like the one in the photo to the right - which was taken just moments before it smashed onto her nose, and broke into tiny pieces. Still, she wanted moremoremore! Long after we went inside for the night, she sat by the window looking out at the snow.

And yes, of course the kids love the snow too. They bundled up in their snow pants, boots, hats and gloves and headed outside. The roads in our neighborhood are
just steep enough to slide down, and they started packing a sledding hill at the park across the street, too. Some other kids from the area were out playing too, and the shrieks and giggles could probably be heard for miles.

Meanwhile Scott and I shoveled. And shoveled some more. And some more. We don't have a long driveway by any stretch of the imagination. But it took the two of us more than an hour to clear it, as well as the sidewalks. Yes, today I am soooore!
It was starting to get dark, but the girls wanted to build a snow man. They did a great job and now we have a "stranded Mt Bachelor skiier" snow man in our yard. Complete with (really old, pointy) skis, poles, and lift pass. How cute is that? My favorite part is the hat.
Happy snow day!
That's one fashionable snowman! And those old school skis are very cool.
I love the snowman! What a good idea. We haven't made one yet this year. We still have huge mounds of it in our front yard.
Great snowmen! It's hard to form snowballs in this dry place, but you made it look easy.
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