Stuff to click on

Sunday, December 9


We spent the weekend in Eugene. Which really means, we spent the weekend driving over the pass and back, stopping to let Divot play in the snow and stopping in Salem to drop off and pick up Stinky at his Grandma's house. Oh, and we spent a little bit of time in Eugene.

While we were there we shopped, visited, and made many trips to one of Divot's new favorite places: Skinner's Butte Park. It was very gray outside and always looked like it was about to start raining, but it didn't. I think nearly every day in the valley is like that. Except for the days when it actually rains. Despite the gloom, we had a good time.

One of my highlights was a trip to Trader Joe's. We don't have TJ's here in Bend yet. They are building one at the north end of town, and haven't committed to an opening date. I think they must pump extra oxygen into TJ's or something, because I always feel happy when I am there. The worker bee's and everyone else seem happy too. Or maybe it's just that we are surrounded by so much yummy and cheap food. And there are always people giving out samples in case you are hungry. Yeah, that might be it. But it might be the extra oxygen, too.

Anyways, we picked up some items on request from friends. And I stocked up on gnocchi (yummmmm!), a $3 bottle of Two-Buck-Chuck, and a jar of some tasty looking cranberry-cherry relish for holiday snacking. That was all I could jam into my already-full car, after all the Christmas shopping we did. And we had to leave enough room to wedge Stinky and his stuff into the back after we rescued his Grandma from him! (We offered to leave him for a longer visit so we could buy more stuff. She said no thanks.)

It was a fast, fun trip. But it's nice to be home!

How was your weekend?


BoggyWoggy said...

I was just at TJs in NW Portland on Thursday. I spent $199! What did I buy? Just cool stuff that we don't really need (except for their liquid hand soap that we use exclusively...labeled "Next to Godliness.")
Thanks for commenting on my blog!

Little Things said...

TJ's is nothing but goodness. Thanks for picking me up the one thing I've been lusting after!!

I can't wait until the TJ's here in Bend opens!!

Deby said...

So jealous!! I am anxiously awaiting the opening of our Trader Joe's. So is Thor, he is a big lover of those pizzle sticks. When I fly to San Diego I always buy out the store and bring them back in my suitcase. I'm always a little afraid that if they have a drug sniffing dog, they won't be able to pry him off of my bag.