Stuff to click on

Wednesday, April 9


Boo takes classes at a gymnastics facility up in Redmond. It's right up her alley... she's a bouncy, bendy little gal. Not like me, since I never could do the splits even during my younger and bendier days.

One of the best parts is between school and gymastics class we get to have a little "girls' time". There isn't enough time to come all the way home, we'd just have to turn around and come straight back. We usually go to a coffee shop but today Boo wanted pizza. So we went to Geno's.

I really like Geno's. It's probably my favorite pizza, period. (I haven't tried Paizano's yet, though... sorry Kina!) I wish they had a store in Bend. Instead, every once in a while the stars align and we make it to the one in Redmond. Yumm...

Boo's Pizza


Elise Michaels Media said...

Hot dang, I want that girl's freckles!

Deby said...

Could she get much cuter? Especially with that hat!

juliejulie said...

Could she look anymore like her mom? For heaven's sake, when did you learn to clone?